My parents love me. My mom coddled me way too long and my father wasn't around enough, but they are making up for it. They are much better at parenting their adult children. They visibly care about me. Not just "here, have the paper money I happen to be carrying around", but also "we want you to have a good life, meet a good man, have a high-paying rewarding job" And so on. They also like spending time with me. Which isn't always terrible. But they are Christian. They believe anyone from any denomination other than their own will not go to heaven. They believe astrology is of the devil. My mom believes herbalism is of the devil. I can't even tell her I want a binder with a star pattern on it without her 'hmming'. Just normal stars! You'd think that because the three wisemen were led by an astronomer who used a star to guide them to Jesus would give her a different opinion. I don't even read my horoscope, 90% of it is trash written by people who know nothing!
I couldn't even tell mom and dad I was leaving their denomination. Now I'm a neopagan. What do I do? What do I do? ... I tell the truth. Just.. spin it a little first.
What is Pantheism? "The belief in many deities who are really one because they are all merely aspects of the single creative life force." I believe this. If you read A beautiful story about the beginning of creation, you'll see The Great Spirit drew together and created Our Lady of Infinite Love. Later, The Great Spirit created The Lord in the same manner. This means Our Lord and Lady are mirrors of The Great Spirit. And then The Lord and Lady created other beings, who mirror them.
Jesus? I don't know if he lived or died as a human does, or if he is fiction. Just as I have no way of knowing if my Goddess Danu lived and breathed or if she is fiction too. Either way, they resemble Our Lord and Our Lady, who I believe do exist as our Sun and Moon.
Can I truthfully say I am a Christian? In some ways, I am, so be it a white lie, tis the half truth and that is good enough.
As I learn and grow, I will gently nudge my parents, mainly my mother, toward some of my beliefs. I can start with the line about the three wisemen that I mentioned above, and continue with herbalism. How God made these things, how he made the willow tree, so that it's bark can heal our minor aches and pains. Her God and mine are, after all, One.
And maybe one day, they will understand me enough to accept that I am nondenominational. Hey, baby steps.
From the moment I was born, to a month after my 22nd name day, I was a devout Christian. In 2012 I became non-denominational and I started questioning my religion. November 2013, my faith was completely shattered. Only a few weeks later, I felt compelled to do research on Wicca beliefs. I've since spread my search to Witchcraft, and Paganism. I now consider myself Pagan and feel the call to Witchcraft.
Welcome. Color me... curious, inteligent, beautiful, magickal, Witchy.
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