Saturday, July 12, 2014

Witchy Update

It's been a minute since I posted. Anyone who actually read this, I'm sorry but it's a lot easier for me to keep up with a pen and paper BOS than it is a blog.

So yesterday was a Super Moon and I didn't get to do any rituals.. Last month I froze negativity out of my life as well as specific negative people. It's been working so far, so last night I did include request for it to be renewed it in my prayers..

I also asked to be revisited by a Goddess who I technically worshiped while I was Christian and didn't realize it until She started changing me to act more like Her. Freaked my little Christian self out when I realized what was happening. Anyway, I apologized to her for my previous reaction, and asked her to visit me again.

Grounding. I've grown so much in Grounding. I am reading THE ELEMENTS OF RITUAL by DEBORAH LIPP and she explains it so well. She also emphasizes centering. Grounding and Centering are not the same, but they co exist in the same ritual. She opened my awareness of what I was doing and what the point is of grounding and centering.

I have previously stated that I don't care much to learn magick. The more I understand, the more I realize.. magick is unavoidable. Simply staying positive, and being grateful for the gifts of life, is creating positive magick. Magick is the energy you have in your body right now, it is the spirit in you, love, passion, even hatred. Magick is everything and everywhere. Even Christians use it, with every prayer and every breath of hate... Learning to use magick correctly and how to harness it is not essential to being a Pagan. But experiencing Paganism without Magick is like trying to be a lake with no rain. A lake is just a valley with no rain.

Anyway. I felt the need to express I'm still here, I'm still Pagan, I still love my Lord and Lady.

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