Saturday, January 4, 2014

bewitching conversationsssssss

Note: I am trying to keep the identity of my acquaintance as secret as I do myself. I will refer to this Witch as "witch", "WR", "my acquaintance" or "s/he" (she/he).

A Witch is currently talking with me about snakes in the spirit world and their meanings. S/he asked if I've been bitten, which I have. Though I have no real world marks or scars. They have done this maybe.. 2, 3% of the time they've been around me. I am 22 years old, and they have been coming to me for about 20 years.

I continued to tell WR of my experiences. "The snakes sleep with me, lay beside me, if I'm on my back [they nip at me until I raise my back and they slither under the arch]. The snake I met in meditation was extremely realistic and climbed up my back to rest its head on my shoulder."

WR and I have different experiences. S/he meets them in a dream state. WR suggested it could be a sign from a snake god or goddess who may be trying to talk to me and that I might want to look up the different deities connected to snakes and learn about them. So far, Hindu Gods are not speaking to me. Up next: Mayan.

The other option, of course, is that I could have known about a totem/spirit guide all my life and been terrified of them. Do I smell a visit to the pet shop and a request to hold a nonpoisonous snake? ... I may have to drag my boyfriend with me. But in anycase, WR suggested I learn about the snake as a spirit guide.

Searching for: wicca+snake+totem
Result: Wicca Together (a blog): Over all, the snake represents: cycles, rebirth, patience, fertility, eternity, balance, cunning, intuition, awareness, healing, intellect, protection, solemnity, rejuvenation, transformation, hidden knowledge, gender supremacy (both male and female), Yin/Yang, and duality. First thing that pops out is that snakes represent the search for balance. I live a polyamorous lifestyle, my boyfriend has two girlfriends. It doesn't take a psychic to figure this out. Many Native American tribes held the snake in high regard (which is funny, because my bf who is native found out about my meditation scare with a snake and he told me snakes were bad omens before I showed him the links that suggest otherwise.) From the Celtic perspective, the snake was a symbol of secret knowledge, cunning and transformation. And to the Celts, the snakes ability to shed it's skin made, in their eyes, the snake a powerful symbol of rebirth and renewal. In India, naga (snake) are associated with the element of water which symbolizes emotion, love, and motion. Nagas were considered feminine and embodied nurturing, benevolent, wise qualities. And according to this blog, snakes represent the messenger, which is interesting considering WR's comment that they may be connected to a deity who hasn't figured out texting yet. (I would also like to note that of this is the cliff notes version...) Last... "Further, it should be understood this page is but a miniscule sampling of the diverse snake symbolic meaning's available to us. Therefore, I encourage you to slither into your own personal ruminations, research and meditation of the snake."

This next link is too long for my blood-shot eyes to digest so I'm linking it to read later and moving on.

The last one is short enough, I'll quote.
SNAKE: Wisdom, Healing, Initiation, the symbol of eternity
This a powerful totem -- it is the symbol of transformation and healing. The Snake is wisdom expressed through healing. It is a protector and guardian totem, along with its sister totems, the Dragon and the Serpent. If a snake totem has come into your life, your creative forces are awakening. Your intuition will sharpen and be more accurate. Snake energy is the energy of wholeness, cosmic consciousness, and the ability to experience anything willingly and without resistance. It is the knowledge that all things are equal in creation. It also signals a transition in your life. New opportunities and/or changes. Snake is fire medicine, the medicine of transmutation. On a material level, it is vitality; on an emotional level, it is ambition and dreams; on a mental level, it is intellect and power; on a spiritual level (the highest level), it is wisdom, understanding and wholeness. Snake magic is heavy magic. Become the Magician and transmute the energy and accept the power of the fire. The Snake is one of the symbols of Thoth.

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