My second link is way too long to absorb in one sitting. That page crosses my eyes, but it is very informative about everything. So far, I learned this little tid-bit: 'Pagan' can be used like 'Christian', they are both a very broad term. Then you can be specific and use 'Wiccan' or Baptist'.
My third link explains, in a less head-achy way what link two states. But this time I retained more of the info. (In this instance, 'generally' means there is a percentage.. I simply don't know the math here.) Witches generally only pay reverence to the Goddess, where in Wicca they keep balance by paying homage to both the God and Goddess. Witches generally don't believe in Karma, or the three-fold law, where Wiccans do.
Wicca is like Christianity in many ways. The only real differences lie in actual ritual practice and the acceptance of a female deity.
[A Witch] does not feel the need to advertise to the world that she is a Witch. She is content spending her time with her family, becoming attuned with Nature, studying herbs, and simply enjoying her life. She knows who she is and does not need the approval of society in order to feel whole.When it comes to this Witches' opinion of Witchcraft vs Wicca, I straddle the line. I believe what Wiccans believe (so far, anyway) but I also feel that the paragraph about a Witch not needing approval, that's me too.
Fourth Link is really awesome because they try to boil it down to essential, core beliefs. (Today it's very hard to read because I'm still very very tired, even though I slept from about 9:30pm- 10am.. so boiled down versions rock socks.) If I said any more, I might as well copy and paste.. You, yes you with the eyes, reading this, GO! CLICK! READ!
Fifth link is a little long but not bad, especially in comparison to link two. It was actually a nice read, if you ignore the headache of the quote sounding like great grandma praying.. thee's and thou's.. I don't understand this anymore.
I will edit this when I read more of link two.. And clearly I didnt retain any of link five so I'll re-read and add more to it as well.
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