Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Bewitching lullubies for the itty-bits

The title should be pretty self-explanatory.
Since I am a mother, I find these useful and
am looking forward to adding these to the
nightly song list. Maybe now I can remove
some of the pro-Christianity ones. Not that
I'll take Jesus away from my child. My boy-
friend does not believe in Jesus, but he feels
his children ought to be raised Christian for
morals and for a good base for them to build
their own beliefs on. I was raised Christian
and turned out alright... So for now I guess I
can agree with him. Just this once. Lol ;) Link

Now I lay down in my bed,
And pull the covers up to my head.
I'll dream of dragons and fairies bright,
And pixies and wizards and elves tonight.
I'll dream of some sort of magical place, and
wake in the morning with a smile on my face.

Day is done, it's time for bed
Goddess bless my sleepy head
Earth and Water, Air and Fire
Bring gentle dreams as I retire
When the morning sun does rise
The God will bless my open eyes

O golden light,
O silver light,
Please, weave your web around me
And protect me through the night.
My day is done, my night begun,
With dreams before me found.
I shall sleep in peace and light,
My protective circle bound. 

The sun has set, it's time for bed.
Goddess bless your sleepy head,
By Earth, Air, Wind and Fire,
Bring good dreams as you retire,
And when the sun decides to rise,
God please bless your open eyes.

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