Sunday, January 5, 2014

Monies, beauty, research, public, Wicca, and Kosher.

Apologies for my absence. I've been absorbed in work, trying to make moneies. Maybe there's a candle for that? (an app for that.. a candle for that.. bahaha!) Not to make me rich, but to open people minds when thinking of doing business with me. Or does that go against the Rede? I don't want to go against the Rede.

Yesterday was a beautiful day. I was surprised when my weather widget told me it would be nearly 70° outside. And there was an excellent breeze. Sol (what I now call the sun) was so warm, I could feel him on my skin. I love that feeling. And of course today it isn't even 40°. I wish I had gone outside and meditated! Sadly, a stalker was out there and I was shaking in my boots. Witches fear no evil. Man, I wanna be a witch.

As for my snake search, as suggested by WR.. Hindu, Mayan, and Egyptian Deities do not speak to me. I'm wondering if I need to look up Celtic deities connected with snakes. Having a lot of Celt blood in me draws me to Celtic things, always has. But I'll keep going down the line till I reach Celtic. See what I find out. Until then, my snake visitors (or my paranoia of snakes..) have reached a new high. I'm thinking it has got to be mental, or a problem with my senses. It's happening more before/after entering sleep, and even while I'm fully awake. Which begs the question.. am I going crazy? Or am I seriously getting this many snake visits?

I wich I could go Witchy, publicly. There is a facebook page my bf brought my attention to (he is that awesome) anyway, its called Wiccan Parents and the section he sent me was a photo album with prayers, or songs, rhymes, spells, (whatever label you fancy) attached to the photos. I've started writing some down by hand. Since I can't 'like' it myself, I thought I would bring some attention to it in hopes that others may 'like' it in my absence.

What I learned about being Wiccan. I knew this before, but it really hadn't hit me yet. Wicca is the act of continuous reading, of everything, not accepting any belief by blind faith, it is absolutely doing your own research, even from things written by other Wiccans. Wicca.. let's be broad here. Being a Witch is about finding the path the Deities have laid out for you, even if it means believing a melting pot of religious babble. A part of one religion may make no logical sense, like Kosher. Christians typically don't eat Kosher. It doesn't make sense to them. But it makes sense to me (see below for more on Kosher☺ I just couldn't leave it out). I have my bible, NIV, and I am prepared to scour through Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Acts. I am going to read, and take notes, and learn for MYSELF what does it say about the resurection? What does it say happens to Judas? I will read for myself the inconsistency, or lack there of. I also plan on reading about Gerald Gardnera and his idea of Wicca.

Am I Christian? If you look from my parents pov, no. If you look at it that Jesus, his mother Mary, and the Christian God are all mirrors of the same deity.. Yeah, you can say I'm christian.

Kosher: So, even though I'm no longer a christian, I Will Not eat pig, or lobster, or crab, or octopus, or a whole slew of things. I eat beef, chicken, turkey, salmon, tuna, locust if I have to. I also eat vegetarian food, and some vegan food. If it's made right it's awesome!

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