Sunday, January 12, 2014

Let's talk about Sex

Here is something else I agree with Wicca on: Sex is sacred, reverent. Two people making love brings joy and wonder, not guilt and shame. Sex is treasured and revered. Thank the Lord and Lady, I can be bi in and don't have to hide it. I can publicly support others right to choose their orientation. Another of my Christian chain has been broken! I now have zero reason to believe masturbation is an act of sin. (yes I believed this when I was younger, sometimes -rarely- the fear still pops up)

I am not a slut, I have had very few partners. But being polyamorous, oh my word. It is so nice to have beliefs that agree, that don't clash like polyamory and Christianity. I don't know how likely it is I find another mate, but if I do, my beliefs mirror Wicca's. Sex is to be revered, but celebrated, which means to be careful who or how many partners you have (don't be a slut) but definitely not to be celibate either. I am suddenly extremely sad for all the nuns.

Lord knows I love sex too much to be celibate. Here's a quote from Wicca for Beginners, pg 33:
You are sacred. Your body is sacred. Your vagina is sacred. Your penis is sacred. You Don't put anything that isn't sacred into your sacred body. And you don't put your sacred body into anything that isn't sacred.

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