I'm going to regret this later, but I'm about to do an image search on snakes. See if I can find something that looks like the one I met in meditation. It was a dull green, but green enough that you could easily see that it was green, and it did have markings. though I couldn't explain them in detail. (Later: The closest I found was a rat snake, and I didn't regret looking as much as I thought I would. The images did make some of the snakes look more realistic, but I take that as a sign that those snakes were figments of my imagination. I think I confronted my fear with the search. I'm slightly less terrified.)
About my personal path, I read this and it really hit home for me. By Ashe Isadora on The Celtic Connection Forums:
Lots of people start out as eclectic pagans. Down the road you might find one path that really sings to you, but some people stay eclectic for a long time. Just keep seeking, meditating and reading and don't feel pressured to commit to a path or tradition at this point. If the one does come along that's right for you it's like falling in love. You'll KNOW it. Til then it's fine to play the field.And yes, I plan on playing the Witchy field☺. But right now my path is not about choosing something, it's about relearning everything. Listening to the Deities. It's about discovery, and changing your life one step at a time. Christians couldn't make me act "Christian", but being a Witch might...
Another post from TCCF, this time by Gimli:
I started out similarly but followed three things....Hmm. I looked up Wicca vs Witch, now I think I need to do the same with Witch vs Pagan.
1) My heart and instinct
2) Looked at my interests
3) Read (and am still reading) everything I can when I can.
Your journey will not be a sprint. It's a long, sometimes fast and others times leisurely, winding way. For a time you may study one area, and then suddenly be drawn into another. Or you may study several at once.
As I and others have been told: read, read some more and when your done then start reading some more.
Go for what sings right and true in your soul.
Now, studying the basics should be a given....all those "common" things like what the tools are and taking notes and such. But WHICH tools and such will depend on what you feel drawn to.
And don't feel as if you have to know everything right away...this is a continuing and constantly evolving process for each of us.
As was said by others....keep reading, studying, asking questions and meditating. Trust when we say at some point when it's right for you the answers will come!
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