Monday, January 6, 2014

Incomplete Shadow Scare

(This was written on Monday, with additions on Tuesday. Hope you're not too confused)

Well, mediation in the shower is definitely not the best idea I've had today. But this lemon flavored Italian shaved ice.... mmmm. All I learned in the shower is spirit snakes have no qualms about appearing wherever I go. If things continue to get worse, at this rate, I'll be seeing them soon.. and not just in meditation!! Last night I could feel the weight of the snake on my leg, not uncommon, but moving the covers usually helps. The covers were pinned under the snake. It didn't help. It's getting harder and harder to sleep.

Damn now my shaved ice is gone.

Phone off.. Earphones.. Pandora.. Meditation melodies.. Comfy spot.. lights out.. Blindfold.. 

I don't know if I had a very good session or if I fell asleep. When I got up at 9 to put my kid to bed, I went straight to bed myself. Woke up around midnight with a headache (more on that later). Typed out the following paragraph then asked whoever was listening to remind me of what happened after this:

When I was ready, breathing in check, a tingling feeling all over, I asked which ever spirits were listening about snakes, their obsession with me. Aside from the distractions my brain caused, I first went to the first house I remember living in. It was more a future visit than a past one. The nameless, faceless new owners let me in. The house was bare, I got the impression this was because I don't know how it looks anymore. I went to one end and starting going room to room talking about things I remembered. When I reached the dining room I mentioned that's where I met my first spirit. The new owners didn't like that. I got the feeling they were very religious and I couldn't go any farther in the house. I asked the invisible guide why I was there and was reminded that this residence was where I met my first snake. 

Then I started to head somewhere else. All I remember is that the color was dark, perhaps even black. This doesn't mean 'dark', as in black magick or evil. It was dark like night. Had I not gone to bed so early, I would have remembered it. Perhaps that's the point. But going to bed so early, I had very few snake friends visit me. The few that did, I was less afraid of.

After midnight, when I woke up with a throbbing, splitting headache. I asked for help remembering the darkness. The being that offered to help wanted something in return. From what I read on Pagan demons, some call them shadows, this one fit the bill. I wasn't going to take the chance. So I sent the bastard away as I read I could. The headache went away in a few heart beats.

I feel this is incomplete..

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